Module: Johann Michael Vansleb

In 1671 Vansleb set out for the East again. This time under French patronage, instructed by Minister of Finance Jean-Baptiste Colbert and Pierre de Carcavy. Vansleb was charged a long list of tasks, the main one was to reach Ethiopia, which he was denied again. However Vansleb traveled extensively throughout Asia Minor and Egypt, reaching some places, like the White Monastery, as the first known Westerner, providing the earliest available information in Europe through his report. Furthermore Vansleb was able to collect around 580 manuscripts for the Royal Library of the French Sun King Louis XIV, that are now in the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
-> How did Vansleb end up under French patronage? Try to reconstruct his stay and network in Italy (1665-1670)
- start reading with p.10-20 in Hamilton, Alastair, ed. 2018. Johann Michael Wansleben’s Travels in the Levant, 1671-1674: An Annotated Edition of His Italian Report. The History of Oriental Studies 4. Leiden: Brill.
-> Detailed instructions for Wansleben were drawn up by Pierre de Carcavy, at the time custodian of the Royal Libary.
- The original letters between Vansleb and de Carcavy are digitalised, including lists of acquired titles. Browse through them: “Documents sur l’histoire de diverses bibliothèques. Documents sur l’histoire de diverses bibliothèques.” Paris. BnF MS latin 17172. Bibliothèque nationale de France.
-> What were Vansleb’s instructions for his journey? Read:
-> Try to reconstruct Vansleb’s journey. What do we learn about his manuscript acquisitions? Read:
- Vansleb’s account:
- Vansleb’s own Italian manuscript: “Relazione dei viaggi, di Michele Vanslebio, intrapresi per l’acquisto di Codd. d’ordine di Luigi XIV (1). (1) Una raccolta di lettere del medesimo relative agli acquisti di Codd. orientali per la biblioteca del Re, è nel Cod. latino 17173 fra i documenti “ De variis bibliothecis „.” Paris. BnF MS italien 435. Bibliothèque nationale de France.
- French edition: Nouvelle relation en forme de journal, d’un voyage fait en Egypte. Par le P. Vansleb, R.D. en 1672. & 1673. 1st ed. Paris: Estienne Michallet. French: Nouvelle relation en forme de journal, d’un voyage fait en Egypte. Par le P. Vansleb, R.D. en 1672. & 1673. 1st ed. Paris: Estienne Michallet.
- German edition, translated from French, published 1794; p. 123-412: “Neue Beschreibung einer Reise nach Aegypten in den Jahren 1672. 1673. in Form eines Tagebuchs verfaßt von P. Wansleb.” In Sammlung der merkwürdigsten Reisen in den Orient: in Übers. u. Auszügen mit ausgew. Kupfern u. Charten, auch mit d. nöthigen Einleit., Anmerk. u. koll. Reg., edited by Heinrich Paulus, Jena.
- English edition, translation of Nouvelle Relation: The Present State of Egypt; or, A New Relation of a Late Voyage into That Kingdom. Performed in the Years 1672. and 1673. By F. Vansleb, R. D. Wherein You Have an Exact and True Account of Many Rare and Wonderful Particulars of That Ancient Kingdom. London: R[obert] E[veringham] for John Starkey.
-> Vansleb’s diary of his journey:
- Vansleb, Johann Michael. 1673. “(not digitalised) Voyage du Caire à Chio et de Chio à Constantinople, et aux environs, par le Père J.-M. VANSLEB,… fait depuis 1673 jusqu’à 1676.” Paris. BnF NAF 4193. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Vansleb, Johann Michael. 1673. “(not digitalised) Voyage du Caire à Chio et de Chio à Constantinople, et aux environs, par le Père J.-M. VANSLEB,… fait depuis 1673 jusqu’à 1676.” Paris. BnF NAF 4193. Bibliothèque nationale de France.